Sunday, April 23, 2006

macro or MICRO scope

Many of you would have heard of the term ‘scope creep’…if not, then reading this would give you an idea.
Having nailed the destination, we started talking about the places that we would like to visit…on our trip. Literally we took out the drawing board to define a scope.
8 visits to 3 different public libraries; 14 borrowed books; 11.27 hours of reading; 2 scribbled notepads later…we saw ourselves eyeing scope to really look like SCOPE!! Yes it was no longer a micro-scope but a hugely different macro-SCOPE! And why was it ‘creeping’…because originally it was supposed to be a 5 day travel itinerary to 3 places in the Canadian Rockies…and after scope re-determination, it is now a 10 day travel itinerary to 8 places both in Alberta as well as British Columbia, both in Canada as well as in the United States!
Lesson learnt – having a budget and a scope is a good idea…when you decide to put pen to paper, at least DOUBLE it. 2nd lesson, try not to borrow too many travel books from the library!

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