Monday, May 22, 2017

Iceland Diaries Post #3

You are not in the mountains…the mountains are in you! Many years back, I was asked what I would pick if the choice was between the mountains and the beach. My heart always knew. However, if there was even an iota of doubt, Iceland emphatically cleared it!
Words like grandiose, imposing and majestic don’t come close to defining the mountains here. They behave like intense protagonists with deep and numinous stories to tell. And this they do with so much drama and theatrics, it’s unreal. They are young (relatively speaking) but each with distinct personalities.

Many of Iceland’s mountains were born as magma under massive ancient glaciers, and so were stunted into mesa-type shapes. The tallest is just about 2000 meters , that’s less than quarter the height of Everest. Others are the remnants of ages-old weather-worn cone volcanoes that today are stunning reminders of the powerful forces that created the very alive and always-expanding island of Iceland.

Although I don’t know them by name, in my mind and imagination they helped shape a story, with twisted plots, some dark and deep, some light and airy, some mushy and soft but always accompanied with a strong narrative, an unequivocal presence and a resounding statement. The interplay of sky, water, clouds and mountains were like the clash of titans, each unforgiving and unrelenting in its stature. It made for stunning imageries that only fueled the imagination further!

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